Letters credential of Adolf-Heinz Beckerle.
Sofia, June 17th, 1941 Fund 3K, Inventory 12, Record Unit 1845
Adolf-Heinz Beckerle, German diplomat, Obergruppenführer, Minister Plenipotentiary to Bulgaria in Sofia from June 17th, 1941. After the end of the war he was investigated and brought to trial for participation in the deportation of Jews from Thrace and Macedonia. Central National Archives, Fund 3K, Inventory 12, Record Unit 1850, Sheet 2
Out of
the Memorandum, by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop ‘after the end
of the war all Jews will leave Europe. This is the Führer’s irrevocable decision
and it is the only way to deal with the matter, as it can be resolved fully only
on a global scale, and no isolated measures can be of any use.’ Concerning his
meeting with Ivan Popov, Bulgarian Foreign minister.
The entire 1941 was marked by legal and regulatory restrictions for the Jews. The Law for protection of the nation was promulgated which deprived Jews from their civil and political rights on the basis of their religion; another two acts are passed marking the beginning of economic restrictions for Jews, and the enforcement regulations for the Nation Protection Act are adopted. The Bulgarian government’s secondary legislation is also in line with the anti-Semitic policy of Nazi Germany.
Jews working in Jewish labor groups. (Those groups, also known as labor camps, were created by Decree No. 113/12.08.1941. All male Jews of age 20-46 fit for military service were included in them). 1941 Central National Archives, Fund 1568K, Inventory 1, Record Unit 400 |
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